Screening for Domestic Violence
& Power Imbalance

This new process is required prior to the commencement of a Family Arbitration or a Family Med.-Arb. process.

As a professional screener, I provide a non narrative report that is aimed at helping the Arbitrator to determine;

    1. Is a party participating involuntarily? 
      (Yes / No)
    2. Is a party being unduly influenced or coerced?
      ( Yes / No)
    3. Is there any allegation of Domestic Violence?
      (Yes / No)
    4. Has the Children’s Aid Society been contacted
      (Yes / No)
    5. Is there a Power Imbalance?
      ( Yes / No)

Arbitration ( is / is not) appropriate
(with / without) added safety conditions.

Recommendations for added safety
procedures / pre- hearing conditions;

  • The Party’s arrange for their own transportation to and from the Arbitration, or,
  • One party arrives early, and leaves late, or,
  • Counsel is present at all times, or,
  • A Party’s should be living apart (different addresses) during the arbitration, or

Note: The list of recommendations, above, are meant only as hypothetical examples.

To keep the comfort level of your client at its maximum, I will travel to your office to do the screening. Any other neutral and private site will also be considered.
The screening process will be done with the Screener and the individual client, only. The process will generally take 60 to 90 minutes depending on each of the client’s situation or circumstances.